The most common cause of dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis or occasionally called seborrhea,” said master esthetician JulieMatsushima.Dry skin, perceptivity to specific hair products, and skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis can make you more susceptible to having dandruff. It's also believed that the common fungus Malassezia can spark dandruff. “ Malassezia which is used to enhance your skin cell growth and these redundant skin cells die and slip off.Send your blogs at for topic Health Write For Us Guest Post
Home remedies for dandruff
- Shampoo more frequently. This can help reduce the canvases on your crown.
- Use green tea.
- Use apple cider ginger.
- Have a coconut canvas massage Combine five to 10 drops of tea tree canvas with five soup spoons of coconut canvas.
- Use bomb juice
- Use baking pop.
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